3 Internal Blocks That May Be Hindering Your Growth (+ How to Release Them This Fall)

Do you ever feel that there’s a certain barrier or block that’s preventing you from realizing your full potential?

Most people experience some sort of internal conflict at one point or another. After all, no one is perfect, and everyone has their own inner battles to face. However, the season of fall offers some important wisdom that can help you release old baggage so you enjoy life more fully.

In this blog, you’ll learn about three common internal barriers that may be holding you back. You’ll also learn how to channel the lessons of fall to let go of energy that no longer serves you.

Channeling the Wisdom of Fall

In Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong, the season of fall embodies the energetic quality of letting go.

This principle is visible all throughout nature. If you take a hike in a forest during fall, you’ll notice trees and plants shedding their leaves in preparation for winter. During the spring and summer, their foliage may have served an important purpose, but that doesn’t mean flora needs to hold onto their beautiful colors as the months grow colder.

Humans, on the other hand, often have a difficult time with the process of letting go. People tend to hold onto patterns from the past, even when they would be better served by releasing old energy. While letting go may be difficult, it’s very important nonetheless.

When you fail to let go of old energy, you’re unable to create space for new and beautiful possibilities in the present and future. This prevents you from truly stepping forward on the path of growth.

Here are three internal patterns that may be holding you back, along with some practical solutions for overcoming them so you can enjoy life to the fullest.

1. Limiting Beliefs or Thought Patterns

To a large extent, your experience of the world around you is informed by your thoughts and beliefs. If you have a certain limiting thought or belief about how things are, your mind becomes closed off to the possibilities that lie beyond those limiting beliefs.

Often, limiting beliefs relate to what you believe to be true about yourself. If you don’t think that you’re capable of achieving something, then your actions and behaviors will probably align accordingly.

Fortunately, you have the power to let go of such limiting beliefs and step into your full potential. In order to do that, the first step is to recognize the thoughts and beliefs that arise within you. This requires you to become the observer of your own internal processes. Then, you can acknowledge your thoughts and consciously release them.

2. Emotional Blocks

Just as limiting beliefs can hold you back, emotional blocks can work the same way. If you’re hyper-focused on a particular emotion—especially a negative one—you likely won’t have the space within yourself to welcome all of the enjoyable feelings that life has to offer.

Emotional blocks can have many different sources. Sometimes, they are the result of a particular relationship with another person. At other times, they’re connected to a deep-seated fear within yourself. Regardless of the source, it’s important to work with your emotional energy to let it go.

Humans have a tendency to try to think their way out of problems. While thinking may help you solve math problems, it’s not going to allow you to truly move past old emotions. To do that, you must learn how to work directly with emotional energy in a skillful way.

3. Self-Defeating Habits

Most of your internal experiences and overall wellness is based on your habits. If you don’t have healthy habits, it’s extremely difficult to make progress in your own wellness journey. For this reason, habits themselves can be a block that can hold you back. Without healthy habits, it doesn’t matter what kind of goals or intentions you establish for yourself.

To create healthy habits in your life, it’s helpful to establish a consistent daily practice that you can turn to each and every day. Ideally, your daily practice should allow you to slow down and reconnect with yourself in a deep and meaningful way. Within that space of self-connection, you can work to let go of any patterns that no longer serve you and create space for beautiful new experiences.

In the beginning, you may find it difficult to establish a new daily practice habit. After all, habits are very powerful, and the habit of not doing a daily practice can be hard to break. However, establishing a consistent daily routine can be a lot easier if you have consistent structure and a like-minded community to support you.

If you’re interested in discovering an opportunity that can help you transform all three of these elements that may be holding you, be sure to check out the free Qi Challenge.

Use Qi Gong to Release Old Patterns and Establish a Healthy Wellness Practice…

Qi Gong is an ancient practice that teaches you how to work with the most core energies within yourself to cultivate holistic health and vitality. This includes learning how to overcome limiting beliefs, release old emotional blocks, and create consistent, daily habits that support the best version of yourself.

September 25, 2024
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